Thursday, December 17, 2009

If I was being graded on how well I kept up

this blog, I'd be lookin' at summer school for sure. Yes, I've been bad - very bad. The longer I've not updated, the harder it is to get motivated. So, I thought I'd start simply, with a few recent pictures and hope THAT inspires me:

Shapes & Patterns

Counting Puzzles

Skip's favorite part of school - computer time

Math puzzles as a break from the routine drills

Matching upper & lower case letter game

Our December bulletin board

Another shot - it's in a long hallway and tough to photograph as you can see!


Lisa said...

Yay!!! Your back!!! I am soooooooooooo behind as well, what with the hospital stay, then thanksgiving, then the trip to Minnesota, and all that followed by Christmas.... ick. Maybe you'll inspire me to get back in the saddle ;)

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